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The project Division parcellaire à La Bernerie en Retz by Immocratie


Review of the project Division parcellaire à La Bernerie en Retz by Immocratie

Review's score :
BLa note de l'analyste pour ce projet est B
Les notes vont de A à E

Score details

To assign the grades A and E, we use a Bonus/Malus system.
⚠️ Some criteria may be missing in the detailed list below.
⚠️ The scoring model is not suitable for all types of projects.
The total points for this project is 10

mortgage coverage🟩🟩
optimistic scenario margin🟩
track record🟩🟩
in the vicinity🟩
operator commitment
sales price🟩
permanent loss🟩
late projects
price trend
urban planning risk🟥
debt to equity
debt to asset

Jordan RThis review is proposed by on

The project starts on 15/07/2024 12h00
💰 The estimated rate of return is 12% per year.
⏱ The duration of the project is 24m
💼 Minimum amount to invest is 1000€

🤖 Review's summary

Project Analysis: Parcelling Division in La Bernerie en Retz with Immocratie by Jordan R

The project is scheduled to take place on 2024-07-15 at 12:00:00

Overall assessment: Land division project into 3 lots with a comfortable margin of 23% (possibility of a price discount if needed). Pre-sale of 27% (building plot) with a below-average market exit price for the house and the furnished garage, but no interior photos available. The downside is the 2% operator commitment.

Project Details

Type of Project: Buy-sell without renovations

Investment: €125,000 to finance

Repayment: Capital: In fine, interests: In fine

The parcelling operation in La Bernerie en Retz (44760) in Loire Atlantique involves:

✅ Yield: 12% - very high

✅ Guarantee Type: Second-rank mortgage, GAPD

Ratios: Equity amount of the holding: €194,760. Net debt/equity ratio = 2.7

❗ Mortgage coverage: 66% - low

❗ Pre-sale: Under compromise at 27% with suspensive conditions: obtaining financing (building plot)

❗ Operator's health: Information not disclosed

❗ Location: Town with fewer than 10k inhabitants: 34 bis rue de la Sennetière in La Bernerie en Retz

✅ Nearby: Shops, schools, restaurants

✅ Exit Price: Realistic: €3,384/m² for the house and €3,000/m² for the garage

❗ Prices have decreased by 1% in the past year

✅ Optimistic Margin: 23% - high

✅ Pessimistic Margin (10% more works, 10% discount): 15% - decent

❗ Property Condition: No interior photos available

✅ Street and Neighborhood Condition: Residential near the sea

✅ No urban planning risk: Development permit obtained. Display findings done. Non-appeal and non-withdrawal certificate received

✅ Project Developer's History: Over 10 similar operations

✅ No work difficulties

❗ LTA: 107% - high

❗ LTS: 75% - high

❗ Operator Commitment: 2% - low

Geopolitical Situation:

❗ Delay Rate at Immocratie: 19.59% with delays over 6 months - high

✅ Definite Loss Rate at Immocratie: 0% - low


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My Take: This project seems promising with its high yield, realistic exit prices, and a history of successful developments from the operator. Though some aspects like the lack of interior photos and the operator's commitment raise concerns, the potential return and the overall project details make it an exciting opportunity for investment. So, let's seize the chance and dive into this venture with optimism and enthusiasm!

Historial rates of return Immocratie

Investor votes results for the project: Division parcellaire à La Bernerie en Retz

29 voters
👎52% 👍7% 🤷0% 🏳️41%
To vote :

Jordan RJordan R
Jordan, 35 years old, electronics engineer by training. I currently live from my passions as a ski instructor and canyon guide. Investor in the stock market (stock/ETF), physical real estate and more recently in real estate crowdfunding since 2020. I mainly invest on the platforms: ClubFunding, Lapremierbrique and Upstone. My crowdfunding portfolio is over 100k

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