RealT is fractional tokenized real estate in the U.S. and Panama. Properties are owned through companies.
I really like their transparency; rental yields are good, generally around 9%-12%, not to mention the possible capital gain upon resale.
It's also a way to get exposure to the American real estate market.
We receive our rents every week with an email notification. There is a secondary market to resell tokens if desired, on swapcat.
We can also use these real estate tokens to borrow cash and reinvest.
Rents can be automatically reinvested in other real estate properties.
This is the most innovative thing I've seen in real estate in recent years.
RealT has a Telegram chat if you have any questions.
➡️ 18/12/2023 : It's been 2 years since I started investing with RealT, so it's time to take stock and define the outlook for 2024.
➡️ 22/03/2023: RealT launches RealT Raise, an equity token to invest in RealT. It represents $5M of RealT's capital. RealT does not publicly release its financial statements, so it is not possible to assess the value of the RealT Raise token.
➡️ 28/12/2023: RealT is considering implementing a synthetic token that would combine several tokens.
➡️ 16/07/2023 : New interview with Jean-Marc Jacobson, the co-founder, on RealT's imminent arrival in France.
I interviewed RealT CEO Jean-Marc Jacobson on 16/10/2021, who gives us all the details about tokenized real estate.
Each project must be analyzed from different aspects.
✅ Check that the price per square foot matches the market price. For this, you can use zillow
✅ Check crime statistics. For this, you can use: neighborhoodscout
✅ Check the amount of work required
✅ Check the sales history of the house.
I regularly analyze new properties available on my YouTube channel, and we also discuss them on the Bluersky club.
RealT offers a dashboard to visualize our property portfolio and the returns of each property. From this dashboard, you can also access properties available on the secondary market.
To receive rents on the Gnosis blockchain, it may be necessary to transfer them to the Ethereum blockchain. Similarly, to fund your wallet on the Gnosis blockchain from your EUR account, you need to use a bridge. There are several bridges. In the following video, several crypto bridges are compared.
You can resell your property tokens after purchase. It is also possible to buy properties directly from sellers. There are several platforms for these transactions. The sale price is free on the secondary market. This is called the secondary market because tokens are exchanged after being issued by RealT.
The swapcat platform allows you to buy or sell your tokens. To buy tokens on the secondary market, you must be authorized by RealT. This is called being whitelisted. Here's how to sell tokens on swapcat.
Here's how to buy tokens on the secondary market
With YAM, you can buy, sell, or exchange properties on the secondary market. The tool is developed by RealT, which has the advantage of being secure and ensuring that the tokens are indeed RealT properties. To buy Tokens, you must first request authorization from RealT, a procedure called whitelisting. You can request whitelisting for several properties in one request. On Yam, you can offer your tokens for sale at the price you want. There is a dedicated section for Yam on RealT's Telegram.
Is it better to invest in RealT or in SCPIs? In both cases, you own the assets, but the taxation is not the same...
It is possible to use your properties as collateral to borrow and buy new properties on credit. Here's the process to leverage your investments.
The rents received every week can either be received in your wallet or you can choose to reinvest them automatically to buy tokens for new properties. These properties are called 'reinvestment properties'. This choice is left to the discretion of the investor.
There are different types of dilapidated houses in Detroit.
➡️ Houses with burned roofs or windows without glass are to be demolished. To demolish a house, it costs between $8k and $12k.
➡️ Abandoned houses with damaged roofs are declared uninhabitable after 24 months. They are destroyed at the city's expense after 3 to 5 years.
➡️ Houses with 'Gas cut' signs. This means the city has cut off the gas pending rehabilitation.
➡️ Between tenants, owners put up security panels to block doors and windows to prevent squatters.
Most of the properties offered by RealT are located in Detroit, Michigan. We are used to analyzing properties located in this city. We have a correspondent on-site to verify the condition of the houses.
Here's a comparison between Detroit and Cleveland.
Here's an example of properties in St Louis.
🆕 06/01/2023 : RealT has just offered its first property in Panama. I took a little bit to diversify. The property is a condo next to the Pacific Ocean. Here's my analysis of this property.
RealT offers properties in the United States, in different cities like Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland.
📢 Announcement of 21/10/2022: Realt will offer properties in Panama as well as in France.
My favorite moment is when I receive my weekly income from my properties in the U.S. I show the email and revisit the indescribable feeling of having passive income paid in USDC to my crypto wallet. After 1 year, there are still no defaults with RealT.
After 9 months, I take stock of my investments with RealT, the pros and cons, as well as all the startup's innovations.
The rents received every week can either be received in your wallet or you can choose to reinvest them automatically to buy tokens for new properties. These properties are called 'reinvestment properties'. This choice is left to the discretion of the investor.
There are different types of dilapidated houses in Detroit.
➡️ Houses with burned roofs or windows without glass are to be demolished. To demolish a house, it costs between $8k and $12k.
➡️ Abandoned houses with damaged roofs are declared uninhabitable after 24 months. They are destroyed at the city's expense after 3 to 5 years.
➡️ Houses with 'Gas cut' signs. This means the city has cut off the gas pending rehabilitation.
➡️ Between tenants, owners put up security panels to block doors and windows to prevent squatters.
Most of the properties offered by RealT are located in Detroit, Michigan. We are used to analyzing properties located in this city. We have a correspondent on-site to verify the condition of the houses.
Here's a comparison between Detroit and Cleveland.
Here's an example of properties in St Louis.
🆕 06/01/2023 : RealT has just offered its first property in Panama. I took a little bit to diversify. The property is a condo next to the Pacific Ocean. Here's my analysis of this property.
RealT offers properties in the United States, in different cities like Detroit, Chicago, Cleveland.
📢 Announcement of 21/10/2022: Realt will offer properties in Panama as well as in France.
My favorite moment is when I receive my weekly income from my properties in the U.S. I show the email and revisit the indescribable feeling of having passive income paid in USDC to my crypto wallet. After 1 year, there are still no defaults with RealT.
After 9 months, I take stock of my investments with RealT, the pros and cons, as well as all the startup's innovations.
RealT offers tokenized real estate in the U.S. and Panama. Properties are held through companies. I really appreciate their transparency; rental yields are good, typically around 9%-12%, not to mention the potential capital gain upon resale. It's also a way to get exposure to U.S. real estate. Weekly rental payments are received with email notifications. There's a secondary market to sell tokens if desired, on swapcat. One can also use real estate tokens to borrow cash and reinvest. Rental income can be automatically reinvested in other properties. It's the most innovative real estate concept I've seen in recent years. RealT has a Telegram chat for questions.
➡️ 18/12/2023 : It's already been 2 years since I've been investing with RealT, so it's time to take stock and define perspectives for 2024.
➡️ 22/03/2023: RealT launches RealT Raise, an equity token to invest in RealT. It corresponds to $5M of RealT's capital. RealT does not publicly disclose its financial statements, so it's not possible to evaluate the value of the RealT Raise token.
➡️ 28/12/2023: RealT is considering implementing a synthetic token that would bundle several tokens.
➡️ 16/07/2023 : New interview with Jean-Marc Jacobson, the co-founder, about RealT's imminent arrival in France.
I was able to interview RealT's CEO Jean-Marc Jacobson on 16/10/2021, who gives us all the details about tokenized real estate.
Each project must be analyzed from various aspects.
✅ Check if the price per square footage matches the market price. For this, you can use Zillow.
✅ Check crime statistics. For this, you can use: NeighborhoodScout.
✅ Check the amount of work needed.
✅ Check the sales history of the house.
I regularly conduct analyses on my YouTube channel for new available properties, and we also discuss them on the Bluersky club.
RealT offers a dashboard to visualize our property portfolio and the returns of each property. From this dashboard, you can also access properties available on the secondary market.
To receive rents paid on the Gnosis blockchain, it may be necessary to transfer them to the Ethereum blockchain. Similarly, to fund your wallet on the Gnosis blockchain from your EUR account, you need to use a bridge. There are several bridges. In the following video, several crypto bridges are compared.
It is possible to sell your property tokens after purchasing them. It is also possible to buy properties directly from sellers. There are several platforms for these transactions. The selling price is free on the secondary market. This is called the secondary market because tokens are exchanged after being issued by RealT.
The swapcat platform allows you to buy or sell your tokens. To buy tokens on the secondary market, you must be authorized by Realt. This is called being whitelisted. Here's how to sell tokens on swapcat.
Here's how to buy tokens on the secondary market.
With YAM, you can buy, sell, or exchange properties on the secondary market. The tool is developed by RealT, which has the advantage of being secure and ensuring that the tokens are indeed RealT properties. To buy Tokens, you must first request authorization from RealT, a procedure called whitelisting. You can request whitelisting for several properties in a single request. On Yam, you can offer your own tokens for sale at the price you want. There is a dedicated section on RealT's Telegram for Yam.
Is it better to invest in RealT or in SCPIs? In both cases, you own the properties, but the tax treatment is different...
It is possible to use your properties as collateral to borrow and buy new properties on credit. Here's the process to leverage.
L'investisseur est propriétaire de parts de sociétés qui détiennent les biens immobiliers. Ces actions sont représentés par des security tokens.
The co-founders are Jean-Marc et Remy Jacobson
The average expected yield of projects is 9.43%
Yields are calculated based on the projects analyzed on this site and not on all projects.
⚠️ The higher the yield, the higher the risk.
⚠️ Information about delays of more than 6 months is not available for Realt
⚠️ Information on permanent losses is not available for Realt
The minimum amount to invest is 50$.
Realt has a low minimum amount to invest.
🌎 The financial income are taxable in the investor's country of tax residence.
In France, since January 1, 2018, income from movable capital as well as capital gains from securities sales are subject, when taxed, to a flat-rate withholding tax (PFU) of 12.8%, to which social security contributions of 17.2% are added, making a total rate of 30%.
However, you can choose, when declaring your income, for a global taxation of these income and gains at the progressive income tax rate by checking box 2OP. You may be exempted from the portion corresponding to the flat-rate withholding tax of 12.8% for income tax purposes if your reference fiscal income for year N-2 was less than €25,000 (€50,000 if you are married). When making your declaration, you have the option to maintain the choice for taxation at 30%, or to submit your capital gains to the progressive income tax rate (to which 17.2% social security contributions will be added).
➡️ Search for previous reviews of chez Realt
A real estate crowdfunding operation involves several categories of risks:
➡️ Operational Risk: human errors, incompetence, material shortages, delivery delays, poor management, accidents on site, provider bankruptcy...
➡️ Technical Risk: unpleasant surprises during soil and foundation studies, pollution, thermal, acoustic issues...;
➡️ Administrative and Legal Risk: difficulties in obtaining a fully cleared building or development permit, administrative authorizations, Financial Completion Guarantees, Construction Insurance, or All-Risks Site insurance, compliance of sales documents, poorly assessed urban planning authorizations;
➡️ Financial Risk: poor cost analysis, budget overruns, lower profit margins, obtaining bank credit, etc.;
➡️ Commercial Risk: insufficient pre-marketing, insufficient local market study (prices, needs, location...), delays in lot sales (commercialization), neglected suspensive conditions, unfavorable market evolution, risky sales strategy, overly optimistic exit prices, etc.
Les actions des LLC et INC propriétaires des biens immobiliers sont détenues dans des registres chez RealT. Ces parts de sociétés sont représentés par des tokens sur la blockchain Gnosis où Ethereum MainNet. Pour être revendu, le propriétaire doit demander à être whitelisté chez RealT. Il serait donc difficile de se faire voler ses actes de propriété même si le crypto-wallet est compromis. Les loyers sont versés chaque semaine sur le wallet en stable coin USDC. Si le wallet est compromis, il y a un risque de se faire voler ses USDC. Et il n'y aurait alors aucun moyen de les récupérer. Pour éviter que cela n'arrive, il ne faut jamais transmettre sa pass phrase. On préfèrera aussi un cold wallet déconnecté d'Internet pour une meilleure sécurité.
The votes take place in the Objectif-Renta Club.
By joining the club, you join a community of investors driven by the same interests and passions.