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The project NKO INVESTISSEMENT by Lesentrepreteurs


Review of the project NKO INVESTISSEMENT by Lesentrepreteurs

Review's score :
DLa note de l'analyste pour ce projet est D
Les notes vont de A à E

Score details

To assign the grades A and E, we use a Bonus/Malus system.
⚠️ Some criteria may be missing in the detailed list below.
⚠️ The scoring model is not suitable for all types of projects.
The total points for this project is 6

mortgage coverage
optimistic scenario margin🟩
track record🟩🟩
in the vicinity🟩
operator commitment
sales price🟩
permanent loss🟩
late projects🟩
price trend🟩
urban planning risk🟩
debt to equity🟥🟥🟥
debt to asset🟥

Damien CuyalaThis review is proposed by on

The project starts on 29/11/2024 10h00
💰 The estimated rate of return is 10% per year.
⏱ The duration of the project is 24m
💼 Minimum amount to invest is 100€

Historial rates of return Lesentrepreteurs

Investor votes results for the project: NKO INVESTISSEMENT

22 voters
👎77% 👍0% 🤷0% 🏳️23%
To vote :

Damien CuyalaDamien Cuyala
Damien, 41 years old, I am a business manager in nuclear valves, I also have a company in the distribution of everyday products in short circuits with the credo of "made in France". I started at a young age to learn how to invest in the stock market in dividend stocks, ETFs, and from 2021 on small cap equity strategies, and recently I have been learning about options. In June 2022, I started real estate crowdfunding and I have invested a little over 73 Keuros since then, my investments are distributed across the following platforms: ClubFunding, Raizers, La Première Brique, Upstone, Baltis. I attach great importance to spending time analyzing each project before making the best decision for my investments. Finally, I also have investments in crowdlending, mainly on Lendermarket to diversify my assets as much as possible.

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